Friday, April 20, 2007

Beyond - 海闊天空 (The Boundless Sea and Sky)- lyrics

*gam tin ngoh hon ye lui hon seuit piu gwoh
waai jeuk laang keuk liu dik sam woh piu yuan fong
fung yue lui jui gon mo lui fa bat ching ying jung
tin hung hoi foot nei yue ngoh
hoh wooi bun (sui moot joi bin) *

doh siu chi ying jeuk laang ngaan yue jaau siu chung moot yau fong hei gwoh sam jung dik lei seung
yat saat na fong fut yeuk yau soh sat dik gam gok
bat ji bat gok yi bin daam sam lui oi (sui ming baak ngoh)

** yuen leung ngoh je yat saang bat gei fong jung oi ji yau
ya wooi pa yau yat tin wooi dit do OH NO...
booi hei liu lei seung sui yan do hoh yi
na wooi pa yau yat tin ji nei gung ngoh **

Repeat * **
ying yin ji yau ji ngoh wing yuen go cheung ngoh goh jau pin chin lui

Repeat * *

Hoi Fut Tin Hung
(“The Boundless Sea and Sky”)

song & lyrics: Wong Ka Kui

Today, I see the swirl of snowflakes in a cold night
I (too) swirl afar with a chilled heart
I give chase braving wind and rain
Unable to make out the shadowy trace in the mist
There’s a boundless sky and sea
Would you and I change?
(Who are not changing?!)

Many times, I face up to cold shoulder and ridicule
Never have I given up the ideal inside my mind
In a fleeting trance
I feel as if something are missing
In an unconscious way
Love has faded from my heart
(Who understands me?!)

Forgive me, I’ve been an unruly, untamed freedom-lover all my life
I too fear I might fall down someday
Abandoning the ideal -- everyone might do it
Don’t worry that only you and I might someday

Still carefree and self-reliant
Forever singing aloud my own song
Going everywhere

*今天我 寒夜裡看雪飄過
風雨裡追趕 霧裡分不清影蹤
天空海闊你與我 可會變〔誰沒在變〕

多少次 迎著冷眼與嘲笑
一剎那恍惚 若有所失的感覺
不知不覺已變淡 心裡愛〔誰明白我〕

背棄了理想 誰人都可以

重唱 *,#

仍然自由自我 永遠高唱我歌 走遍千里

重唱 #

背棄了理想 誰人都可以

重唱 #

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